Curiosities of Saint Gildas des Bois !

I have said, there is so much to see in my belle France, will need a lifetime and I am afraid will run out short on them! I have written on the town before,namely the abbey, but as lately looking into my vault found older new pictures to the blog that should be in, The town of Saint Gildas des Boisin the Loire Atlantiquedept 44 of the Pays de la Loire region. (Old Bretagne ) of my belle France, The town is about 1h30 from my house, Therefore, let me tell you about the Curiosities of Saint Gildas des Bois ! Hope you enjoy it as I.

The Maison Michelle Guillaume is managed by the Association Michelle Guillaume, non -profit association. It receives primarily elderly sisters from Congregation of Saint-Gildas, it is also open to sisters of other congregations, religious or priests. Following the request and in accordance with its statutes, Maison Michelle Guillaume also welcomes secular people wishing to reside there.  The Maison Michelle Guillaume is overall attach of the parent company of the sisters of Christian education, known as Saint-Gildas. This house developed from the buildings of the old Benedictine abbey (see posts) acquired by the founder of the congregation, Gabriel Deshayes, in 1828. A certain number of extensions were added as the evolution of the evolution of needs of the congregation. The sisters must give them the means to live until loyalty to what has made their apostolic religious life whose community life dimension is a integral part of. All residents whatever they are, whatever their cultural membership, or their personal convictions are entitled to the same respect.

st gildas des bois maison michele guillaume ent abbaye jun19

The history of the congregation begins in Morbihan, in Beignon,(see post), the town of origin of the founders Gabriel Deshayes and Michelle Guillaume. The French revolution had left this rural parish like many others, in a state of human and spiritual poverty. Gabriel Deshayes, priest, was concerned about this situation. With Michelle Guillaume, a young woman in the country, wishing to enter religious life, they will found a school to educate and catechize the girls of the countryside. Their project was born on May 5, 1807. The availability of Michelle Guillaume, combined with audacity and apostolic zeal of Gabriel Deshayes made this first and modest form of mission, the beginning of the congregation of sisters of Christian instruction say from Saint-Gildas. In October 1903, the foundation of a community in England, in Somerset, was linked to French political events (sep State and Church).They found schools and receive students and residents of all confessions, notably Anglican. In September 1957, two sisters were sent to Ireland in Blacklion, serving a seminar of white fathers. In 1958, three sisters leave for Réo in the diocese of Koudougou (Burkina-Faso). In France, other dioceses appeal for a presence of nuns in the worker and rural environment. Little by little, the activities of sisters diversify. From 1949, the Congregation opened a community in the Paris region, then in 1971 in the Morvan, in 1977 in Corrèze and in the Loiret, in 1982 in the Bouches du Rhône. In 1979, sisters left for Ghana. In 1990 for Mexico. Currently, the congregation is present in 6 countries.

There is also, a nice Mairie or City hall in town which passing by could not avoid taking a picture, It has an interesting history, the town, The town of Saint-Gildas-des-Bois is one of the 9 towns in the community of towns of the Pont-Château-Saint-Gildas-des-Bois, in the district of Saint Nazaire, The current name has for origin the pine forest created under Louis Philippe I. On July 9, 2013, the city was the departure of the 10th stage of the Tour de France. As early as 1790, the first mayor of the town of Saint-Gildas-des-Bois, Jean Baptiste Vaugiraud, a  priest from Nort-Sur-Erdre, was elected rector of the parish of Saint-Gildas- Des-Bois in 1785. Having refused the constitutional oath, he will have to resign from his office and go into exile in Santander ,Spain. He will returned to become rector of the town of Saint-Gildas-des-Bois in 1801. When of the Liberation, August 12, 1944, the town undergoes a double aerial bombardment which destroys the abbey church bell tower. The abbey (see posts) is harshly affected. It was not until Easter 1949 that the faithful could return to part of the church. The abbey was not fully returned to worship until 1951 and the construction of the bell tower was not completed until 1966.

st gildas des bois

The official Sisters of St Gildas des Bois:

The town of Saint Gildas des Bois on tourism:

There you go folks, go see another wonderful historical and architecturally stunning monuments of my belle France and very near me! I visited this town a couple times, and nice moments with the family, this ride was nice. Again, hope you enjoy this post on the curiosities of Saint Gildas des Bois as I.

And remember, happy travels, good health, and many cheers to all !!!

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