A work of love, Paris and Martine!

So is once again time for me to remember my dear late wife Martine. I am sorry, I need to do this post. The pain , I was told will smooth out with time , but it seems not to be true. I have written memorials before but I wanted to do a post on happy times we spent together on the  28 years of marriage and our passing by the city we met , Paris.

Even thus she was from Meaux, Seine-et-Marne dept 77, in the Brie cheese region, she worked in Paris 10éme when I met her. She later follow me very courageously to Florida USA where we traded citizenships and then she convinced me gladly to come to live in France permanently in 2003. It has been the best decision of my life and I owe it all to her.

So without much words but as the saying goes , a picture is a thousand words here is me , Martine, and Paris. We will always have Paris !! Bogart was right!!!

Thanksgiving in Paris with MF on left
paris 9
around old thanksgiving store for American goodies
loaded with dominos pizza off rue st dominique to eat out at port de suffren below the Eiffel
Bistro Romain Champs Elysees near the Arc de Triomphe
Au Trappiste rue St Denis near Châtelet
Early on out from Meaux to her job on the 10éme this is the Gare de l’Est train station
Bois de Boulogne cascades love that water fall
Flower market near Conciergerie and she loves gardening
As i met her on her job at the 10éme arrondissement of Paris in 1990!

Life is beautiful but short to many , done do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Do it, we did it well!!! And remember, happy travels, together/sharing are better; good health, because we needed to go on, and many cheers to all, because we mean it to all of you!!! We will always have Paris!!!!

8 thoughts on “A work of love, Paris and Martine!

  1. It will get better, but it will take some time. You can’t get over the loss of a dear one in a year or 2, but eventually the pain will lessen. You will always have the memories and Paris and, as they say, “It is better to have loved and been loved than never to have loved at all”. All the best.

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