The Church Santiago El Apostol of Valladolid !!!

We are back to my dear Spain again !! love it !! We came by car of course and took time to see new areas and old repeat with some of them as introduction to my sons and our dog Rex ! I came into Valladolid after several years and it was sublime ! I like to continue my road warrior stories with Valladolid. Therefore, here is my take on the Church Santiago El Apostol of Valladolid !!! Hope you enjoy the post as I.

Valladolid ch Santiago el Apostol front jun24

The City of Valladolid is in the province of Valladolid, in the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Léon, only 202 km from from Madrid. This is another fine monument that should be spent more time, eventually.

The Church of Santiago El Apostol (Apostle) is located on Calle Santiago, was built in different stages and styles between the 15C and 17C. It is the seat of the Cofradía de las Siete Palabras or brotherhood of the seven words. The Church was built on a small hermitage from the beginning of the 12C, which around 1400 would be elevated to the category of parish church. Once the head is completed in 1500, four years later, they began to fit, attached to the apse, the square section tower, to which an octagonal auction was added in 1610. At the beginning of the 17C part of the nerf was ruined, so that in 1615 a new vault structure and chapels of proto-barrocos were drawn. In 1941 the Brotherhood of the Seven Words moved its headquarters here from the Church of San Miguel and San Julián (see post).

Valladolid ch Santiago el Apostol altar jun24

Valladolid ch Santiago el Apostol retable et pulpit wide jun24

The entire exterior of the Church of Santiago El Apostol presents an austere aspect, with hardly any decorative concessions, in addition to being partially masked, on its side by a modern building that makes the function of access porch and that hosts the dependencies of the parish and the brotherhood, In the central cloth of the apse, a Gothic relief of Santiago Matamoros, protected by Alfiz Arc. The only truly characteristic element of the outer factory is the tower, formed by five bodies separated by laces, a preserved decorative element of Hispanic-Flemish art. The octagonal chapitel that crown it has a runoff look.

Valladolid ch Santiago el Apostol belltower jun24

The interior of the Church of Santiago El Apostol presents a single and spacious nerf, with short side chapels located between the buttresses. The feet is the high choir, raised on a small porch covered from the beginning of the 16C, in whose houses they are distinguished with the Cruz of the Order of Santiago. The monumental major altarpiece is Baroque, from 1729, when it replaced a smaller one, glazed ceramics, paid by the patron of the main chapel. Its golden and polychrome masonary articulated in four large Solomonic columns surrounded by pampans and grape clusters. From the imagery, the Santiago Matamoros that presides over main hall and, on it, in the shell that closes it, the scene of the appearance of the Virgen del Pilar to the Apostle and its companions. A cross of Santiago on a hugging cart to a bracelet crown this attic.

Valladolid ch Santiago el Apostol chapel Santiago jun24

Valladolid ch Santiago el Apostol chapel virgin wide jun24

The furniture is rich distributed in the side chapels. On the side of the Gospel, a beautiful size of the Virgin can be contemplated with the child whose popular invocation is that of the Virgen de las Candelas or Our Lady of the Salve. In the chapel of the seven words, the splendid Holy Christ of the Mercedes is venerated, accompanied by the two thieves. The crucified is a work carried out between 1550 and 1560 the figures of the thieves are reproductions of those of the sixth anguish, which is located in the National Museum of Sculpture (see post). It should be noted that the good thief bears the face of the Duke of Lerma because he owed the artist a sum for his work in the altarpiece of the Collegiate of Lerma. The three sculptures form a processional step of the Valladolid Holy Week known as in your hands I entrust my spirit, which represents the seventh word, belonging to the brotherhood of the seven words, which presides over the sermon of the seven words in the Plaza Mayor (see post) in the morning of Good Friday. The sculptures of San Antonio Abad, the group of Santa Ana, the Virgin and the Child, and the Paléorelief of San Jerónimo penitent of the altarpiece of the chapel dedicated to said saint, on the side of the epistle. Special value treasures the altarpiece of the epiphany, done in 1537 in Plateresco style which presides over the chapel of the paintings shown in the different chapels deserve to be highlighted the ecstasy of San Pablo and an Immaculate,

Valladolid ch Santiago el Apostol Christ on the Cross wide jun24

Valladolid ch Santiago el Apostol chapel virgin jun24

The Cofradía de las Siete Palabras or Brotherhood of the Seven Words founded in December of 1929, is one of the 20 brotherhoods that exist, at present, in the Holy Week of Valladolid. With the arrival of democracy, the brotherhood appointed king Juan Carlos I President of Honor and began to organize, as of 1976, the peace procession and reconciliation in midnight on Holy Wednesday. The proclamation precedes, since 1944, to sermon. The preacher, accompanied by the courtship on horseback, arrives at the archbishop’s palace at 8h30 (8:30 am) to collect from the prelate the parchment containing the proclamation of the seven words, which must read in different parts of the city announcing that, by order of the very prelate, it is known, that at noon today, Friday of the Cross, he will pronounce the seven words that Christ Our Lord said on the cross a different preacher is chosen to preach by the brotherhood every year.The proclamation text consists of a different sonnet every year, commissioned by the brotherhood to a prestigious poet, and that precedes the indicated formula. The knights of the horse courtship are hooded, except the preacher, who has a red executioner who prevents his face from being seen. Each reading of the proclamation is preceded and ends with a touch of bugle.

Valladolid ch Santiago el Apostol statue Santiago jun24

Valladolid ch Santiago el Apostol retable jun24

The Valladolid tourist office on the Church Santiago El Apostol:

There you go folks , another wonderful nostalgic, sentimental trip to my dear Spain, Valladolid is nice, awesome will say back after so many years it seems all for the first time, and love it ! We will be back, eventually, Again, hope you enjoy this post on the Church Santiago El Apostol of Valladolid !!! as I

And remember, happy travels, good health, and many cheers to all !!!

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